Monday, February 10, 2014


after effects (432) Animated Gif on GiphyHey guys im back with another blog post and today we will be talking about. Mitosis a way a cell can reproduce. Without it we would be dead. lets Go

cell division

There are sic phases to this prosses. Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, telophase and cytokines. In the Inter phase the chromosome in the cell are dubled and stat to appear as threadlike coils (chromotion).  The chromosomes and there copie change to sister chromatids at the end of this phase. The next  phase is the prophase. In this phase mitosis begins which means the cell are starting to divide. Centrioles appear and the start moving to opsite ends of the cell. Spinder appear between the centrios.

Cell mitosis
The third stage is metaphase. In this stage the chromatide attach to the spindal fiber. In the anaphase the chromatide seperate and start to appear as chromatin. In telophase two brand new nuclei form. The chromosomes apear as chromatin rather than rods. At the end of this phase mitosis in. In cytophase the cell membrain moves inward to creat to new cells, each with its own nuclei that have the exact same chromosomes. Well thats all for now bye


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