It works with DNA to make ribozones which gives us most of our features like hair color or size. They work together by the DNA making info for the RNA to take, translate and give to the ribozones to make proteins.
RNA has the bases adenine (A), guanine (G) and cytosine (C) like DNA, but has the base uracil (U) instead of thymine (T). The sugar-phosphate molecules in RNA contain the sugar ribose, not deoxyribose.
All living things have RNA and DNA. RNA is important because it carries the codes for making proteins. Proteins build cells and tissues or work as enzymes. A ribosome is a small cytoplasmic structure on which cells make their own proteins.
rRNA makes up ribosomes. The mRNA is the messenger which takes the info from the DNA and brings it to the tRNA which translates it so that the ribozones can read it and create proteins. The thing that make the RNA different from DNA is that DNA makes the info but RNA takes the info and brings it to the ribosomes.
Well thats all for now I hope you learned that Dna wouldnt work without Rna. So thats all for now sell you later.
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