Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Other Side of BACTERIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I look into your soul.

He guys I am back with another blog post and today I will be talking about Bacteria. :) Now there are some good parts to bacteria like the fact we would not be here without them. Lets go

Bacteria is good for many different ways like, Being the first life on earth, making food good and ever helping our body function. Some are bad tho very very bad. So people where like we need to stop this and invented the antibiotics. dundundahhh. These kill bacteria but there is a catch. People have been using less because the bacteria has been able to adapt to the antibiotics. Now you cant use Antibiotics without a doctors description. Bad bacteria can cause diseases like Streptococcus pneumoniae: which infects the lungs causing  pneumonia and is spread by coughing. Another is Gnorrhea:This disease is a sexually-transmitted disease and is caused by a bacterium of this type. One symptom is a pussy discharge from the genital area. As you can see you want to fight bacteria at all cost but not all bacteria is bad. So are on the light side of the force. In fact more than me than 90 percent of all nitrogen fixation is effected by them. This is caused by nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

Now I shall tell you what is bacteria. First of all the way that bacteria reproduce is by using fission which is breaking into to bacteria exactly the same as the first :(). This processes if called asexually and the other is sexually which is when there are two. Some bacteria need to get there food wile other can make there own by using photosynthesise.

Pic one
Pic two
Brain pop: you need a acount

Monday, December 9, 2013


Hey guys I am back with another helpful blog post and today we will be talking about the wonderful Monera kingdom. This kingdom is so important and is also bad. Lets begin.

Now the main part of the Monera kingdom is bacteria. Everything that you will find in this kingdom is bacteria. Bacteria can be found even in the harshes envierment over the world. Some bacteria must make there own food while others go out and get the food. Bacteria use a prosices called fission Which is how the reproduce. One split into two and those two will be exactly the same as the first one. Another way they reproduce is with a partner. The way that bacteria moves is with a flagela or cillia


Monday, December 2, 2013

The worlds largest pig

Oink Oink, Hey guys I am back with another current event and today we will be doing the worlds largest pig because I like piggies. lets Begin.

The worlds largest pig is the forest hog. These pigs live across central Africa. This GIANT pig ways 600 pounds! This pig is so large that people almost ate them to death. I don't blame them I like bacon, but I do feel bad for them. These pigs where hunted in til they where endangered :(. It is now illegal to hunt these pigs. There are now conservation that will protect these pigs.

I feel bad that the pigs are endangered and I want people to help save them. I feel good that there are people who do just that in the conservation camps. I also feel bad that I want to eat one. Ok see you all next time.
