Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Other Side of BACTERIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I look into your soul.

He guys I am back with another blog post and today I will be talking about Bacteria. :) Now there are some good parts to bacteria like the fact we would not be here without them. Lets go

Bacteria is good for many different ways like, Being the first life on earth, making food good and ever helping our body function. Some are bad tho very very bad. So people where like we need to stop this and invented the antibiotics. dundundahhh. These kill bacteria but there is a catch. People have been using less because the bacteria has been able to adapt to the antibiotics. Now you cant use Antibiotics without a doctors description. Bad bacteria can cause diseases like Streptococcus pneumoniae: which infects the lungs causing  pneumonia and is spread by coughing. Another is Gnorrhea:This disease is a sexually-transmitted disease and is caused by a bacterium of this type. One symptom is a pussy discharge from the genital area. As you can see you want to fight bacteria at all cost but not all bacteria is bad. So are on the light side of the force. In fact more than me than 90 percent of all nitrogen fixation is effected by them. This is caused by nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

Now I shall tell you what is bacteria. First of all the way that bacteria reproduce is by using fission which is breaking into to bacteria exactly the same as the first :(). This processes if called asexually and the other is sexually which is when there are two. Some bacteria need to get there food wile other can make there own by using photosynthesise.

Pic one
Pic two
Brain pop: you need a acount

Monday, December 9, 2013


Hey guys I am back with another helpful blog post and today we will be talking about the wonderful Monera kingdom. This kingdom is so important and is also bad. Lets begin.

Now the main part of the Monera kingdom is bacteria. Everything that you will find in this kingdom is bacteria. Bacteria can be found even in the harshes envierment over the world. Some bacteria must make there own food while others go out and get the food. Bacteria use a prosices called fission Which is how the reproduce. One split into two and those two will be exactly the same as the first one. Another way they reproduce is with a partner. The way that bacteria moves is with a flagela or cillia


Monday, December 2, 2013

The worlds largest pig

Oink Oink, Hey guys I am back with another current event and today we will be doing the worlds largest pig because I like piggies. lets Begin.

The worlds largest pig is the forest hog. These pigs live across central Africa. This GIANT pig ways 600 pounds! This pig is so large that people almost ate them to death. I don't blame them I like bacon, but I do feel bad for them. These pigs where hunted in til they where endangered :(. It is now illegal to hunt these pigs. There are now conservation that will protect these pigs.

I feel bad that the pigs are endangered and I want people to help save them. I feel good that there are people who do just that in the conservation camps. I also feel bad that I want to eat one. Ok see you all next time.


Sunday, November 17, 2013


Hey guys I'm back with another blog post and today we will be talking about protists and Algae. Lets just get started now, no intro me run out of ideas :(

The first type of protists we will be talking is the green Algae, YAY.  These algae are plant like organisms. These algae fuel most of are oxygen and the most important one.

The next type of protists is the red protists. These protest live deep in the ocean and have a red pigment witch they use to get food from under the water using photosynthesis to make there food.

Another type of protest is the brown algae. Most brown algae is found in the ocean that is also seaweed and kelp.

Now for some other  protest that doesn't start with algae, these are the euglenoids, Diatoms, and the Dinoflagellates. All of these are Single celled organism. Euglenoids have a whip-like flagella that they use to move and a eyespot that are sensitive to light. Diatoms cell wall are rich in silica which is the mane element in glass. Dinoflagellates have a speacle flagella that will make them in a circle and are responsible for red tides which are harmful algae food.

Brain pop

Monday, November 11, 2013


Hey guys I am back with another bog post and today we will be talking about the protozoa:) which are part of the 6 kingdom! These are interesting creatures, you will have to wait to see so lets begin.

The protozoa kingdom is very different from the other kingdoms like for a start they can eat there food like animals or even fungi. Also protozoa are eukaryotic just like use neat right. Also instead of a stomach they have a vacuole to eat, YUM! Protozoa is classified different than other members of the plant kingdom instead of plant eaters and meat eaters they are classified by how they move.

The first group is the Amoeboids. These protozoas move by changing there shape PS: they look cool they look really cool.

The next group is the ciliates kingdom. These protozoa move by using the hairs on its sides called cilia which are tiny little hairs on its body. Also these protozoa have not one but two nucleus. One is the macronuclei and the other is the micronuclei.
The macronuclei is the one that does the big stuff and the micronuclei does the rest.

The next group that we will be going over is my favorite it is the flagellates. This protozoa has a tail to move around and looks really cool while moving even a little funny. Also they use this tail to eat as well, they use there tail as a whip to bring in there pray which is relay cool, I like this one this one is nice.

Now finally we are on the last group the sporozoa my leist favorite group and you want to know why, it is because these are parasitic and that is not good at all. luckely this group cant move but, it can give you malaria which luckely we have a cure for now but back then it killed tons. of people each year.

fast facts before I go

Did you know that these can help you.
Did you know that these keep the fungi population down
 Under water animals rely on them for food


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Two-Tailed Ancient Bird Uncovered

A prehistoric bird with two tails.

Two-Tailed Ancient Bird Uncovered

Published on the date of October 7, 2013

Dan Vergano

This article was about the discovery of a odd Bird that had two tails. Scientist think that the bird used one of the tails for flying and the other one for show. scientist called this bird Jeholornis. The scientist thought that because some male birds have striking plumages witch is a bird's feathers collectively, so they think that this bird only had to tails if they where mail birds.

My opinion is that I liked that scientist are still discovering and studying creatures that no longer live because it could help understand new stuff that pops up in the presents. I feel that this discovery will be useful if another type of two tailed creature pops up they will be able to understand the next creature thanks to the discovery of the Jeholornis.


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Why Do Leaves Change Color

I whip my tail back and forth

Why Do Leaves Chang Colors
He guys I'm back and today I Will be talking about why leaves change coler. A lot of people have different answer and I will tell you some of them. lets go!

I Don't cause it!!!!!!!

There are a lot of rumors of the changing of leaves like for example some people think that the proses is effected by the weather.  Another rumor is that the time of the year which is part of the answer. Some people just thinks it happens. None of these answer are correct. Just like other things in the world there is a reason that this is happening.

This proses could not happen without the chloroplast or the chlorophyll. When it starts to get to Autumn the days start to get shorter and the leaves aren't getting enough sunlight. When they don't get enough sunlight they start to shut down the leaves and the chloroplast aren't making the plants green showing the leaves true color., Yeah. When it is near autumn tree's will stop producing chlorophyll. This happens because the days are shorter. Some of the trees don't lose there leaves because they have adapted to the amount of sunlight.

Carotenoids and Anthocyanin's are the color over masked by the chlorophyll. Some examples of fruit are apples, peaches, and pears. The time of the chlorophyll being gone.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Carnivorous plants

Carnivorous plants

He Guys I'm back with some more stuff about plant but, this time I will be talking about the meat eating plants we all know and love.
There are over 600 meat eating planting plants in the world. Meat eating plants can make their own food using photosynthesis. If you want to learn more about that look at last weeks post. To be a carnivorous plant or meat eating plant you need to Catch attract insects or animals, trap insects or animals, and eat them. Most meat eating plants live in swampy wet lands. These plants have adapted to eating animals because they cant get enough food from the soil. There are a lot of different plans that eat meat.
Lets talk about my favorite meat eating plant the venues fly trap. Venues fly traps and eat meat. When a fly lands on the plant it will trigger the plant by stepping on the hairs and then snap. It only grows naturally in north Carolina. when a Fly trap eats it can take 8 to ten days to digest.

Now lets talk about the sundews. A lot or even half of them are found in Australia. Sundew can be found in all countries beside Antarctica. The sundew catches bugs in sticky drops an the leaf. After that the leaf curls up and traps the insect forever
Help me please
Now that we are done with the sundew lets talk about a different plan the pitcher plant Ya! This plant is found in Southwest Asia. It eats bugs like the others but, it also eats Frogs and some other small animals. This plant has thin tubes witch it uses to catch its pray. Sometimes this plant will have a lid on its tube to make shore its plant wouldn't escape. The way the meal is captures is the pray slides down a slippery part inside the tube and is dissolved.
The last plant I will be talking about is the Bladderworts, Yeah. Let me quickly get you interested this plan lives under water. It lives all over the world. They will capture insects bye attracting them with there smell. If the insect gets to close a trap opens and it sucks in water and the insect with it. The proses ends in about 1/3 of a second. That's a fast killer.
Ok I knew that these plants sound dangerous put they are harmless to humans in fact we do more harm to them bye destroying and polluting there home. We should be ashamed. Ok now on to the fast facts then I'm gone.

Fast facts

The venues fly trap is so famous in made in to Mario.

Once done eating a meat eating plant will eject the remains                                                                               

The cobra lily or Darlingtonia has clear cells on the top of its pitcher-like trap that work like a skylight


That's all for now bye.--->


Monday, September 23, 2013



Have you ever wondered how plants get food. They don't move and most cant catch their own food. So how do they get their food, they use photosynthesis. All plants use photosynthesis and it is an important part of the plant. with out it all plants would dye and use after.

All living things need to eat and plants will make their own food using photosynthesis plants get sugar from the sunlight that they use to make glucose. Their roots drink water. The stomata absorbs carbon dioxide.
plants are rea1y important because they release oxygen as a waste product. They basically take are carbon dioxide and give use oxygen. We take the oxygen and breath to them carbon dioxide.
In photosynthesis, the chlorophyll has an important job it traps energy from sunlight, and it stores it as chemical energy. Chlorophyll is also what makes the green plants green. The proses that the chlorophyll uses is this process splits molecules into hydrogen and oxygen atoms. The energy that the plant traps is used to create glucose from oxygen atoms. Glucose dissolves into extra water molecules and gives the plants plenty of food for growth.

       Water and carbon dioxide go throw the leaves into  the cells called the pulisade and the spongy cell.These contain chloroplast witch are filled with chlorophyll.

Fun facts with me.
More than half or about 70% of the worlds oxygen is made by phytoplankton photosynthesis in the world ocean.
About 25 of the world oxigen is made in the rain forest.
 The Tumbo Plant in Africa has only

Monday, September 9, 2013

The six kindoms

Hay guys I am back with another blog and today I will be talkinging about the six kindoms. The six kingdoms are Bacteria, Archea, Protist, Fungi, Plant and Animal. Her are somethings about each kindome.

Scientist like to keep their work to help them study. A early greek philosopher name Aristotle divided all life into to main carigories  plants and animals

The first kindom I will talk about is my favorit animals:D! All animals are multi-celled orgginism! Like you and me they have to eat to survive. Animals seem to move around alot but, some like coral will stay put. Animals have to find their food in the wild to survive by eating plants or other animals!

The next kindome I will be talking about is the plant kindome. Unlike animals they dont have to make their own food insted they use photosynthesis. The full difinition of photosynthesis is the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water. The plant cells have rigid walls made of a material called celluse. Cellulose means an insoluble substance that is the main constituent of plant cell walls and of vegetable fibers such as cotton.

 When you think of bacteria the first thing you will probelly think is a sickness or disese but, most bacteria is not harmful and actully helps. Bacteria comes in all sorts of shaps including spears, rods and spirals. you can find bacteria pretty mutch everywhere like in our air, are water or even inside you! Some bacteria helps use by breaking down food that we eat.

The next kindom I will be talking about is the fungi kindom. Scintest have made fungi its own kindom by the way they got their food. Unlike plants fungi can't make their own food. The way fungi lives is by sucking nutrients made by organisms. The definition of nutrients is a substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life. Fungi are usely found on dead animals or plants, getting red of the remains. alot or most fungi will attach theirself to what they are eating with clumps of tiney theds called hyphae. the ful definition of hyphae is each of the branching filaments that make up the mycelium of a fungus.
Lets talk some about the Archea Kingdom. These living life are some of the oldest things on earth. The weird part is that peaple didnt evan know about it intill the 1970's. The archea's can be found in alot of places but, they are able to survive in  harsh envirorment likedeep sea trenches or hot springs are alot of other places.

The last kindom I will be talking about is the protist kindom :D! I almost forgot this kingdom/Protist, bacteria, and archea most of them are single cell orginisms so now that i have that out of the way lets get back to the protist kindom. Protest cells have a nucleas unlike bacteria and archea. Protest are seperated up by how they get their food. Animal protest will have to hunt or capture their food. Plant protest will be able to make their own food by using sunlight but, some just do both

Fun facts with me

their are over 2500 speiceis of plants
Their are over 1 mil. know animals
most protist are unicellular wich means-haracterized by the formation or presence of a single cell or cells
my links are http://www.ric.edu/faculty/ptiskus/six_kingdoms/
Well thats all for now bye

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Hey did you know that cells are in every thing alive! There are thousand of cells in you. There are many part of a cells. Cells kind of act like a factory.

The nucleus is basically the boss in a cell. It tells the other cells what to do. Which out the nucleus the cell wouldn't work in fact without any parts of the cell the cell wouldn't work.
One flexible cell membrane creates on the out layer of the cell. It revaluates the chemical balance of the cells by choosing what comes over, and ones who don't. This is an extremely important part of the cells because if a virus or something want to come take over than the cell membrane will say you can not come in. Think of it like a security guard protecting the cell from bad guys.

Inside the cell membrane there is a mixture of chemicals and water that is called cytoplasm. witch flows around the cell carrying structures called organelles that have different jobs.
The mitochondria breaks down food.
Lysosomes breaks down food, cell waste, and also warn down cell parts.
Vacuoles and vesicles are storage organelles that hang onto water, waste, and food until it is needed.
E.R or Endoplasmic reticulum is that ribby looking thing. Did you know that there are actually two types rough and smooth. The smoother ER is use to create and they store large molecules. The rough ER is studded with smaller structures called ribosomes.
If you where paying attention you would know I talked about ribosomes well guess what I am going to talk more about them :D .Ribosomes are in charge of making protein, which pretty much  is what cells need for every thing they do. Once the ribosome manufacture proteins the rough ER moves them to other parts in the cell.
The membrane covered sacs called Golgi bodies pack up protein that are ready to be sent out to your body.
That's all for now bye